Everything you need to know regarding services for your fleet!
Find out more about the additional services for your fleet! We explain everything to you below.
- Executive Customer Service
A customer service and support for executive drivers, designed to provide an executive experience and a quick response, with more convenience, safety and comfort. Available for Greater SP and RJ.
- 24-Hour Assistance
Customer service, support and guidance to our customers in the event of mechanical failures, accidents and other situations, 24/7.
- Documents
Complete document handling with detailed monitoring of each document delivered to drivers and fleet managers, as well as following up on specific situations.
- Mileage Management
Control of driven miles or km that allows a collective calculation of total travelled distance at the end of the contracted period.
- Infraction & Fine Management
Complete management of infractions and fines that includes sending notifications and handling all the required documents to continue the procedure and state who is the driver.
- Tires
Complete tire management with approved suppliers that check which items must be replaced and invoice the driver according to their specific needs.
- Inplant
Allocation of an employee within the client's facilities to set up an Advanced Service Station, which will follow up on several fleet and mobility-related issues.
- Pickup and Delivery
Carrier service for sending or collecting vehicles.
- Corrective Maintenance
Maintenance management for items that show natural wear and/or premature wear of items due to inappropriate use.
- Preventive Maintenance
Management of maintenance services that must be carried out according to the vehicle’s mileage or age.
- Mileage Pool
The pool system allows compensation between vehicles in the same batch, except for total losses. If the total of miles or km exceeds the limit, an additional charge will be made. For each vehicle, you can consider the proportional mileage according to rental time, calculated using the formula: [total contracted mileage] ÷ ([expected rental days] × [actual rental days]).
- Tyre Pool
The tyre replacement plan consists of a pre-determined number of tyres per vehicle that can be replaced during the leasing period. This system allows calculating collectively the total number of additional tyres at the end of the contract, applying compensation between vehicles of the same manufacturer and model, received by Ayvens in the same year.
- Recalculation
We suggest actions to reduce the impact on mileage and/or instalment recalculation of changes in the use of vehicles.
- Glass Insurance
Coverage and handling of glass replacement.
- Incidents & Claims
Budget management, driver guidance, insurance activation and procedures in the event of collisions, robbery and theft.
- Temporary Vehicle
A dedicated team carries out the temporary vehicle hiring and management, considering the estimated completion time of repairs on the regular vehicle.