
Car management under control at all times
Thanks to our online tools, namely myAyvens Portal for PCs and the myAyvens Driver mobile version, you will be able to easily manage your fleet 24 hours a day, which will give you a perfect overview of company costs and also save you significant time.

myAyvens Portal
MyAyvens Portal is a web app enabling online fleet management and related activities. Here you will find a detailed overview of vehicles, contracted services and insurance, as well as information on the operating costs of each car used. With myAyvens Portal, you will get quick and clear access to information about your fleet from any computer at any time. The data can then be freely used for subsequent analysis. More than 50 standardized reports in XLS, PDF or CSV formats are available for the fleet or selected vehicles.

You’ve got everything under control
You can access myAyvens Portal at portal.ayvens.cz. After a simple login, the fleet manager can create new user accounts for their company. This lets them determine who will use the vehicle information and what information will be available to users.

myAyvens Portal contains:
- Vehicle documentation, agreements and user manuals.
- The mileages of individual vehicles and recommended changes to contracted mileage.
- Information on vehicle insurance and all insurance claims.
- Contracted services and their costs.
- Detailed refuelling overviews for all filling stations, including the export of data records in the CCS format.
- Billing for leasing and accounting services.
- The option to download printable versions of all invoices and to export data records from select invoices in the Ayvens format.
- An overview of operational leasing calculations with the option to confirm them.
- Traffic violation records.
- Records of mandatory driver training and the option to make orders online.
- Reservations to return vehicles at the end of the leasing period.

myAyvens Driver
MyAyvens Driver is a mobile app for drivers and fleet managers that enables easy online vehicle management. You can check your fleet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The app includes:
- An overview of all contracted services.
- Technical information about vehicles and Ayvens DriverSet (the user manual for the vehicle, the scope of contracted assistance services, a definition of reasonable wear, VTP, the green/white card, digital highway vignette…).
- A search function for car repair, tyre and filling stations.
- Quick assistance in the event of a breakdown, accident or medical complication.
- A tool for reporting insurance claims.
- The option to order a vehicle return date at the end of the operational leasing period.
- Information about a parked car.
- Payment history, including fuel purchases.
- Contact details for the Ayvens assistance service and Ayvens.