Replacement vehicle

With us, you'll always be mobile
In addition to Ayvens Assistance, which ensures free temporary use of a replacement vehicle if the leased vehicle is unroadworthy, we also offer clients our Replacement Vehicle Service, which covers mobility needs in all other cases.

How does the service work?
- If you choose the Replacement Vehicle service with open calculation, the vehicle lease costs will be re-invoiced at a ratio of 1: 1. If you opt for the Replacement Vehicle service with closed calculation, the replacement vehicle costs are included in the monthly operational lease instalment and an integral part of your lease agreement.
- In the event of sudden need, you can book a replacement vehicle by simply e-mailing: servis@ayvens.com.
- We will deliver the vehicle to the designated place and hand it over for use upon presentation of your driver's license, without the need for any advance payment.

You’ll always be mobile
Thanks to the nationwide network of vehicle rental companies we have long closely worked with, your travel plans will always be covered, and you will also benefit from advantageous rental rates.