From 2035 all new cars will be electric

2 min to readMobility
On Wednesday the 8th of June 2022, the European Parliament adopted a law, that bans the sale of cars with internal combustion engines from 2035. The law dictates that all passenger cars have to be emission free from then on. It means that cars have to be run by electricity or hydrogen.
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CO₂ has to be lower

According to the European Commission, passenger cars and vans account for roughly 12% and 2.5% of the EU's total CO₂ emissions, respectively. By banning the sale of combustion engines from 2035, the EU hopes to take a major step towards becoming completely climate neutral by 2050.

The members of the European Parliament have decided that the transition from the decommissioning and production of petrol and diesel cars, will be done in stages. The first stage will take place between 2021 and 2025, and here car manufacturers will have to produce vehicles that reduce their average CO₂ emissions for newly sold cars by 15% (based on 90’s CO₂ emissions). Second stage, by 2030, CO₂ emissions from passenger cars production must have fallen by 55% and vans by 50%. Third stage, in 2035, the production of all petrol and diesel cars will be phased out and thus a reduction of CO₂ emissions to 100%.

Electric vehicles reduce our dependence on oil

Alex Keynes, Clean Vehicles Manager at Transport & Environment says: “The deadline means no fossil fuel cars will be sold from 2035 onwards, giving us a fighting chance of averting runaway climate change. Phasing out combustion engines is also an historic opportunity to help end our dependence on oil and protect ourselves more against despots. It also offers us the certainty that the car industry will ramp up its production of electric vehicles, which will drive down prices for drivers."

Car manufacturers are excited

The announcement that from 2035 it will be illegal to sell cars with conventional internal combustion engines, creates great excitement among electric car manufacturers. Several of these, have already taken matters into their own hands when it comes to the production of electric vehicles. Volkswagen is investing heavily in electric cars in the future, including their model ID.3 and ID.4. At Skoda, the Enyaq is their first fully electric model, and is already among the most popular electric SUVs. Ford has announced that all cars sold in Europe will be pure electric vehicles, and Audi will introduce their last internal combustion engine in 2026.

Big selection of electric vehicles in the future

Within the next few years, consumers will be in a situation where they will have many opportunities to acquire an electric vehicle. In addition to the many cars of the established electric car manufacturers, consumers can look forward to a new wave of Chinese car brands, which will increase the range of electric vehicles in the future. Already this year, consumers can choose a Chinese electric vehicle including models from Xping, NIO, and Aiways.

You can read more about the Chinese manufacturers by following the link below.

Published at 17 June 2022
17 June 2022
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