Fuel cards and charging solutions
Charging solution for electric cars
It is possible to use the extensive charging network of ABC and Neste as well as our partners Virta and Plugit for charging plug-in hybrids and fully electric cars. Charging is activated with a mobile application or an RFID tag. Through the mobile application, you can also check the up-to-date charging network. Check your company's car policy to see which services are included in your agreement.
Customer service for charging solutions
The charging service provider's mobile application is always ordered by Ayvens' customer service, if you want the charging costs to go through us to your employer. After opening the service, our partners take care of customer service:
- Plugit
plugit.fi Tel. 0207 350 330 support@plugit.fi
- Virta
www.virta.global./fi/tuki Tel. 0800 02200 (24h)
Fuel cards
Ayvens offers its customers S-Business cards (ABC), Neste or Shell/St1 fuel cards. The card can be used to pay for fuel, car wash and windshield washer fluid purchased from a dealership.
Fuel card customer service
Fuel cards are ordered by Ayvens Customer Service. After ordering the cards, Ti-Engineering Systems Oy (TiEs) takes care of the delivery and customer service:
Tel. 010 404 2800 ayvens.polttoainekortit@ti-es.com +358 10:00 - +358 10:00 Monday - Friday 8.00 - 16.00 Monday - Friday 8.00 - 16.00
If the card is lost, please inform the fuel company immediately.