
Electric Vehicles: Frequently Asked Questions

10 min to readElectric vehicles
Choosing an electric vehicle can feel like a step into the unknown, and it’s natural to have questions. Here are some of the most common answers people are looking for when they make that switch.
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Are there grants available for purchasing EVs?

The Government’s Office for Zero-Emission Vehicles (OZEV) provides purchase incentives to close the price gap between electric cars and their fuelled counterparts. However, only a few cars still qualify.

To find out more about incentives for electric vehicles, take a look at our guide here.

Has the UK delayed its transition to electric vehicles?

The electric vehicle deadlines have actually moved forward. By 2035, all new cars and vans sold in the UK must emit zero CO2 at the tailpipe, which effectively means only electric or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will be available after that point [3]. That deadline was originally 2040 [4].

In the meantime, manufacturers are working towards mandatory zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) targets as a share of registrations. This starts at 22% for cars and 10% for vans in 2024 and will reach 80% and 70% by 2030 [5].

The only backwards step is removing the requirement for all non-ZEVs sold between 2030 and 2035 to be hybrids. This means a small number of petrol and diesel vehicles will remain on sale but does not affect ZEV targets.

There are no plans to ban internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles sold before those deadlines, but it is possible in that Clean Air Zones could restrict their access to city centres or charge for entry in the longer term.

Can the Grid cope with everyone charging their electric cars?

National Grid ESO says peak demand was at its highest in 2002, and it has fallen 16% since as appliances become more efficient and homes and businesses add renewable generation, particularly solar panels [6].

With smarter chargepoints enabling sessions to be scheduled to avoid demand spikes, or even return energy to the grid, the company is only projecting a 10% rise in peak demand once everyone switches to electric vehicles. That’s still lower than in 2002.

To find out more about how the electrical grid is changing, click here.

Are electric vehicles really better for the environment than petrol or diesel cars?

According to Transport & Environment, manufacturing an electric hatchback (equivalent to a Volkswagen Golf) uses around 59% more energy than its petrol counterpart. However, in the UK, the EV’s in-use CO2 emissions are nine times lower, resulting in a 74% reduction in lifecycle emissions (including manufacturing and recycling) [7].

Meanwhile, vehicle manufacturers are using more renewable energy in factories, creating local supply chains to avoid long-distance shipping, and CO2 emissions for electricity production are falling too. The average carbon intensity for the UK grid was 71% lower in 2023 than in 2013 [8, 9]. All of these steps widen the lifecycle emission gap between electric and fuelled cars.

Can electric vehicle batteries be recycled?

Batteries can have a second life as static energy storage after being used in an electric vehicle, and they can be recycled at the end of their lifespan. From 2025, European Commission law will require battery manufacturers to meet targets for recyclability and recycled content in new cells [10], which will boost demand for recovering those raw materials.

Battery manufacturers are already preparing for an influx of recyclable materials as larger numbers of electric vehicles reach the end of their life. Northvolt, which will soon supply BMW and Volkswagen Group, has a pilot recycling plant in Sweden, and it’s targeting a 50% share of recycled content in new cells by 2030 [11].


Can I charge an electric vehicle from a three-pin plug socket?

One of the biggest advantages of an electric vehicle is it can be plugged in almost anywhere with an electricity supply. Most plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles are supplied with a cable fitted with a three-pin plug, and this is compatible with any household socket.

However, a dedicated chargepoint offers up to three times faster charging, it’s weatherproof and removes the need to trail cables through windows or add an outdoor plug socket – all of which makes life easier.

How much does it cost to install a home charging point?

There are hundreds of different chargepoints available in the UK. Prices start at a few hundred pounds including installation, and increase as you add features such as faster charging speeds or designer units with premium materials.

Most properties shouldn’t require additional electrical work, though some might need a longer cable to the driveway or upgrades to the main board. Those costs should be identified during the application process.

Drivers in rented properties or flats can still claim a grant covering up to 75% of the unit and installation costs (to a maximum £350 including VAT) [12]. In March 2024, this was extended to provide the same level of funding for on-street installations [13].

To find out more, visit our Guide to Home Charging.

How long does it take to charge an electric car at home?

The majority of electric vehicle charging takes place at home. It takes a couple of minutes to plug in and, if it’s left charging overnight, you’ll wake up to a full ‘tank’ in the morning. Charging speeds depend on the power supply, and what the vehicle is capable of taking on.

How much will electric vehicle charging add to my electricity bills?

Based on the latest Ofgem-capped rates [14], a typical electric family car covering 10,000 miles per year would cost around £58 per month in electricity if it was only charged at home. On a dual-rate tariff, with cheaper rates for off-peak charging[15], this could be as low as £31 per month.

For comparison, using the Department for Transport’s latest average fuel prices [16], an equivalent [17] petrol car would cost around £134, while a diesel car would cost £123. In short, any increase in your home energy bill would be less than paying for fuel.

More information about the cost of home charging is available here.

Will my electricity supplier be able to stop me from charging?

Not unless you opt in. Since 30 June 2022, all new home chargepoints have had to include additional features creating the foundations of a smarter energy system [18]. The idea is to avoid overloading the grid by letting everyone plug in at once.

New chargepoints must be able to measure, record and transmit usage, and be capable of pausing or slowing the rate of charging when grid demand is at its highest if drivers opt into a tariff which includes this. As a nudge towards smarter driver behaviour, they are pre-set to charge outside peak hours (8-11am and 4-10pm on weekdays) and can, at random, defer charging sessions by ten minutes to avoid demand spikes outside those periods.

However, drivers are always in control. Users can schedule charging to suit their usage or low-rate energy and override deferred sessions if they need to top up straight away.

Visit our guide to smart charging regulations to find out more.

What if I don’t have off-street parking?

You’re not alone - one in four UK cars is parked on the street overnight [19] and the Government is paying attention. The On-Street Residential Charging Scheme (ORCS) [20] provides funding for local authorities to roll out infrastructure for areas without driveways or garages. More than 4,000 units have already been funded by the scheme, and residents can lobby councils to apply.

Since March 2024, drivers living in properties without off-street parking can also claim grant funding to install a charging point. However, they must have a way of managing cables if they cross a pavement and the adjacent space won’t be reserved for their use [13].

To find out more about growing your local on-street charging network, click here.

Can I run a charging cable across a pavement?

There is no law against running charging cables across a pavement, but local rules vary. Section 178 of the Highways Act 1980 says you cannot run cables over, across or along a pavement or highway without permission from the council responsible for it [21]. Some local councils have opted to allow residents to do so [22], others view it as a trip hazard and will ask for it to be removed [23].

The Association of British Insurers says insurance policies also don’t necessarily cover damage to the cable or injuries if someone trips over it. Some specialist providers do offer this [24], but – if you have to run a cable over the pavement – it’s worth adding a brightly coloured cover to protect it and make it obvious to pedestrians.

Are charging cables easy to steal?

Cable thefts are reportedly on the rise in the UK, as they are worth around £200 and can be sold online [25]. However, it’s not easy to steal them. Most new hybrid and electric cars use the same ‘Type 2’ connector, which locks to both the vehicle and the charging point while it’s in use [26]. It’s usually impossible to remove without the vehicle’s key.

Is it safe to plug in an electric car while it’s raining?

Yes. Electric vehicle charging connectors are weatherproof, and the chargepoint will only start to supply current once it has detected that it’s locked to the car [23].

How do I claim expenses for the electricity used at home?

HMRC has an Advisory Electric Rate of 9p per mile which drivers can reclaim if they are using an electric car or van for business journeys [14]. Several suppliers offer automated systems to reimburse drivers via payroll for the full cost of charging at home or on the road.

To find out more about reimbursement for electric vehicles, click here.


How long does it take to charge an electric vehicle on the road?

How long does it take to charge an electric vehicle on the road?

It depends where you plug in. Chargepoints are typically installed based on the sort of stops drivers make at those locations. The most common types are as follows:

Click here to read more about public chargepoints.

Does the UK have enough chargepoints?

The UK has one of the world’s most advanced chargepoint networks, and it’s growing all the time. There are almost 62,000 units in the UK, many of which can charge more than one vehicle at the same time [28]. Most major routes are also well served by ‘rapid’ chargers, which are located at service stations and rest stops near motorways and A-roads. In England, the average distance between rapid chargers is just 25 miles [29].

Aren’t there lots of different charging connectors?

The European Commission set the Type 2 (sometimes referred to as “Mennekes”) connector as the standard for Europe in 2013 [30]. Most manufacturers now use this for their vehicles, and charging points typically have a Type 2 socket as well. Similar to a USB port, this means vehicles can be plugged in regardless of what socket they have on board.

Rapid chargers are slightly different, as these have thicker and often water-cooled cables which are tethered to the unit itself. Again, there is a European standard (the Combined Charging System [31]) used by most new cars, but chargepoints are usually fitted with several connectors compatible with the three most common standards.

Do you need lots of apps and membership cards?

Fewer than you would have a few years ago. All new rapid chargers should already offer payment via contactless credit or debit card [32], and a lot of slower units offer one-off payments without registering an account.

However, this is usually the most expensive way to charge. Many networks offer discounts for account holders, and store payment details to make it quicker to start a charging session. Some memberships and fuel card providers also offer ‘roaming’ capability, which enables drivers to access and multiple networks with a single account. A few also offer international roaming [33].

Will I need a different charging cable if I go abroad?

Only if you’re charging from a domestic plug socket. Travel adaptors to convert a three-pin plug are not suitable for the sustained high currents needed for electric vehicle charging. However, the Type 2 connector is standard across Europe, so public chargepoints at destinations and rest areas will have the same socket or leads as in the UK.


How far can I travel in an electric car?

It depends on the vehicle. Many new cars, including the Hyundai Kona Electric, Polestar 2 and Tesla Model 3, can travel in excess of 250 miles between short charging stops. However, city-based electric cars, such as the Fiat 500, Mazda MX-30 or Smart EQ ForTwo, might only offer a real-world range of around 100 miles.

The other component of long-distance touring is faster charging. The Highway Code advises a 15-minute break after two hours of driving [34] – in an electric car, that time could be used for a top-up while you rest. Unlike a petrol or diesel car, you don’t need to be stood next to the vehicle while it’s filling up.

How much range does an electric car lose in winter?

Electric vehicle range can drop off in colder weather, partly due to the battery but also caused by the increased energy used to heat the cabin. Research by What Car? magazine found electric vehicles lost between 20% and 33% of their range in winter conditions with the air conditioning running [35].

Of course, air conditioning also reduces the efficiency of a petrol or diesel engine. The advantage with an electric car is it can warm or cool the cabin while it’s still plugged in, drawing energy from the charging point rather than depleting the battery.

What happens when an electric car runs out of range?

Eventually, as in a petrol or diesel car, you’ll come to a stop. Electric vehicles provide plenty of warning when the range is running low, and some will limit power or shut off systems such as the air conditioning to extend the range. Range gauges are typically on the cautious side to reduce the risk of this happening.

The AA and RAC have a portable charging system on their latest vans [36, 37] which will enable them to be topped up at the roadside. However, with rapid chargers at 25-mile intervals along major routes, it’s more likely that vehicle will be towed to the nearest service station for a faster top-up.

Can an electric vehicle tow a trailer?

Some of them can. Maximum towing weights are set during a process called Type Approval, which takes place before a new vehicle is put on sale. However, it’s an optional value and vehicles which are deemed unlikely to tow – such as high-performance petrol cars and shorter-range electric vehicles – aren’t always approved to do so. If they are sold without a towing capacity, then it is illegal to use them for pulling a trailer [38].

How often do you need to service an electric car, and what does it cost?

Service intervals for an electric vehicle are similar to an equivalent petrol or diesel model, but the process is very different. An electric motor has only a handful of moving parts, doesn’t require oil or filter changes and it also helps to slow the car, extending the life of the mechanical brakes. According to, average EV service costs are a third lower than their petrol, diesel or hybrid counterparts [39].

Can all garages work on an electric vehicle?

No. Electric vehicles contain numerous high-voltage systems which require specialist qualifications to work on [40]. However, as this technology is becoming more common, an ever-expanding number of independent main dealership workshops are putting staff through the required training.

How long will an electric vehicle battery last?

Batteries are designed to last the typical lifespan of whatever product they are fitted to. Whereas a mobile phone or laptop battery might show signs of degradation after a couple of years, an electric vehicle battery should retain most of its capacity (and range) over a ten-year lifespan [41].

In fact, battery warranties are typically longer than a petrol or diesel engine. For example, Tesla includes an eight-year warranty, guaranteeing it will have retained at least 70% of its battery capacity over that timescale and between 100,000 and 150,000 miles [42]. The EU’s latest Euro 7 regulations will require new plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles to retain at least 72% of their capacity after eight years and 160,000km (99,000 miles) [43].

Real-world data suggests electric and plug-in hybrid batteries are actually outperforming those regulations. A recent analysis of 6,000 vehicles by Geotab showed an average 13.5% capacity loss after six years and eight months. Degradation rates were lower still if vehicles were mostly charged at slower speeds or featured liquid-cooled batteries – which wasn’t the norm with some of the older models (such as the Nissan LEAF) in the study [44]

Is there a risk of battery fires?

Electric vehicles can catch fire when they are over-charged or damaged during a crash, but the risk is much lower than for their petrol or diesel counterparts.

Tesla claims one vehicle fire for every 205 million miles travelled in its cars, which is ten times less than the overall average [45]. Even during a round of crash testing which was far in excess of regulatory requirements, German agency DEKRA reported none of the vehicles caught fire or posed an electrocution risk to first responders [46]. If they do catch fire, vehicles are typically soaked in (or submerged in) large quantities of water to cool the battery [47].

Several manufacturers have begun using lithium iron polymer (LFP) cells in new vehicles, which poses an even lower fire risk than the nickel-cobalt manganese which is most common today [48].


[1] OZEV (2022). Plug-in vehicle grants: Wheelchair accessible vehicles. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[2] OZEV (2022). Plug-in vehicle grants: Vans. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[3] Department for Transport (2020). Government takes historic step towards net-zero with end of sale of new petrol and diesel cars by 2030. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[4] Volkswagen A.G. (n.d.). How the ID.3 lowers the carbon footprint. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Feb. 2022].

[5] Department for Transport (2022). A zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate and CO2 emissions regulation for new cars and vans in the UK. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[6] National Grid Group (2020). 5 Myths about electric vehicles busted. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[7] Transport & Environment (n.d.). Are electric cars cleaner? Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[8] National Grid ESO (2023). Britain’s electricity explained: 2023 review. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[9] National Grid ESO (n.d.). National Grid ESO’s real-time data dashboard shows Britain’s progress decarbonising electricity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[10] European Commission (2023). New law for more sustainable, circular and safe batteries enters into force. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[11] Northvolt (2021). Northvolt launches recycling program targeting 50 percent recycled material in new cells. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[12] OZEV (n.d.). Electric vehicle chargepoint grant for household. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[13] OZEV (2024). Electric vehicle chargepoint grant for households with on-street parking. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[14] Ofgem (2024). Changes to energy price cap between 1 April to 30 June 2024. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[15] Octopus Energy (2024). Energy price cap April 2024. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[16] GOV.UK (2024). Weekly road fuel prices. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[17] HM Treasury (2024). Advisory fuel rates. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[18] Department for Transport (2021). The Electric Vehicles (Smart Charge Points) Regulations 2021. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[19] Department for Transport (2021). National Travel Survey: Where vehicle parked overnight by Rural-Urban Classification: England, 2002 onwards (NTS0908) [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[21] (2016). Highways Act 1980, section 178: Restriction on placing rails, beams etc. over highways. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[[22] Hampshire County Council (n.d.). Electric vehicle charging – guidance for residents. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[23] Bristol City Council (n.d.). Charge an electric vehicle at home. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[24] The AA (n.d.). Electric car insurance. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[25] Divert (2021). Thieves stealing electric car charging cables. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[26] Mennekes (2013). Type 2 charging plug proposed as the common standard for Europe. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[27] Porsche (2024). Der neue Macan 4 und Macan Turbo. Batterie und Laden. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[28] Zap-Map (n.d.). How many charging points? [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[29] Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (2020). Government vision for the rapid chargepoint network in England. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[30] European Commission (2013). EU launches clean fuel strategy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[31] CharIN Global (n.d.). Knowledge Base. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[32] Department for Transport (2019). All new rapid chargepoints should offer card payment by 2020. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[33] Shell Recharge (n.d.). One ecosystem for your charging needs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[34] The Highway Code (n.d.). Rules for drivers and motorcyclists - Fitness to drive (90 to 94). [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[35] What Car? (2023) Range test: How far can electric cars go in winter? [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[36] The AA (n.d.). Innovation and technology - Technical developments. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[37] RAC (n.d.). EV Boost Mobile Charging System. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[38] GOV.UK (n.d.). Towing with a car. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[39] BookMyGarage (n.d.). Electric car service cost. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[40] The IMI (n.d.). Electric Vehicle Technician. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[41] Groupe Renault (2021). How long does an electric car battery last. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[42] (2017). Vehicle Warranty. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[43] European Parliament (2023). Euro 7 deal on new EU rules to reduce road transport emissions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[44] Geotab (2024) What can 6,000 electric vehicles tell us about EV battery health? [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[45] (2019). Tesla Vehicle Safety Report. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[46] DEKRA (2019). Side-on and head-on collisions with post. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[47] DEKRA (n.d.). What to Do if an Electric Car Catches Fire? [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

[48] BYD (n.d.). BYD’s new Blade Battery set to redefine EV safety standards. [online] Available at: [Accessed 23 May 2024].

Important information:

This blog was originally published on website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service - if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.

Important information:

This blog was originally published on website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service - if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.

Important information:

This blog was originally published on website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service - if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.

Important information:

This blog was originally published on website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service - if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.

Important information:

This blog was originally published on website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service - if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.

Important information:

This blog was originally published on website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service - if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.

Important information:

This blog was originally published on website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service - if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.

Important information:

This blog was originally published on website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service - if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.

Published at 30 May 2024
30 May 2024
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