How can we help you?
Accidents, damage & repair
Report an accident
Call Ayvens Driver’s Help Line at +30 2106100050 to report the incident to Accident Care. Moreover, call the police, request a copy of your statement and the relevant report. If another vehicle is also involved in the accident, ask for an alcohol test for both you and the other driver involved. In all cases, you need to submit the declaration of accident form. Both you and the driver involved should fill in and sign the form at the scene of the accident. If, for some reason, you haven’t called Accident Care and you don’t have a declaration of accident form available with you, exchange contact details with the driver involved. Use your mobile phone to take pictures of both vehicles. Make sure to write down the involved car’s license plate. You can download the form here.
If you need immediate roadside assistance, call Ayvens Driver’s Help Line at +30 2106100050.
Please follow all the required steps concerning your involvement in any accident.
Call Ayvens Driver’s Help Line at +30 2106100050 to report the incident to Accident Care. Moreover, call the police, request a copy of your statement and the relevant report. If another vehicle is also involved in the accident, ask for an alcohol test for both you and the other driver involved. In all cases, you need to submit the declaration of accident form. Both you and the driver involved should fill in and sign the form at the scene of the accident. If, for some reason, you haven’t called Accident Care and you don’t have a declaration of accident form available with you, exchange contact details with the driver involved. Use your mobile phone to take pictures of both vehicles. Make sure to write down the involved car’s license plate. You can download the form here.
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