Ayvens Carmarket
Ayvens Carmarket is our professional platform for the resale of preowned cars and light commercial vehicles, specially targeted to preowned car dealers. Buying a preowned car from Ayvens means buying a car in excellent condition, that has passed every inspection and has a complete service history. There are pictures of the cars to prove it!
Each month, the platform features 250 to 300 ex-lease preowned cars for sale that have been rigorously selected by our experts. Our preowned cars are between 12 months to 48 months old and have generally had only one previous registered user. With Ayvens, it’s easy to make an online purchase without worry, as we have you covered.
We offer 3 types of sale:
- Auction
Manual or automatic bod online, with the best bid winning the vehicle.
- Tender
Buyers make closed bids, Ayvens selects the best offer and awards the vehicle.
- Fixed Price
All buyers can click on a vehicle and purchase it instantly.