
End of your lease contract: what you need to know

When your lease with Ayvens comes to an end, you have three options: return the leased car, extend the lease, or buy the leased car.

Our goal is to make the transition from any of the three options you choose as smooth as possible, ensuring that all requirements are met without stress or complications.

Contact us now to transform your lease car into your dream car!

Let’s make it happen together.

So we share with you important information you should know.

  1. Make a return appointment
  2. Prepare your car for return

    Checklist document / FAQ section

  3. On-site collection and inspection

Extending your lease contract

Learn about some benefits!

Extending your contract not only ensures that you continue to drive your trusted car, but it can also bring several benefits:

Keep driving your current car. We know that people may come to love their current car and want to drive it for a little longer. This is possible by extending your contract.

Lower Lease Rate: Enjoy reduced monthly payments when you extend your contract.

Expansion of tax benefits. Depending on your car and when you started leasing it, you may still benefit from the tax policies that were in place at the time you started leasing your car.

Happy woman with disposable coffee cup charging car at station

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Still have questions? Feel free to contact us for personalised assistance

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