Ayvens's Report under the public access to Transparancy Act 2023
The Public Access to Information Act aims to promote businesses' respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.
Ayvens Norge AS must annually conduct due diligence assessments in accordance with the Transparency Act and publish a report on these assessments by June 30th. This year's report was published on June 25, 2024.
The report covers the company's obligation to provide a statement on the due diligence assessments conducted by the company in 2023. The report also details the measures that have been evaluated and implemented to reduce the risk of negative consequences that the company's activities and business relationships may have on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.
The company has established procedures for how we anchor the work on human rights and decent working conditions, as outlined in the "Procedure for Processing Requests for Information LeasePlan Norge AS 2023".
For reporting and whistleblowing under the Public Access to Information Act, a dedicated email address has been established for this purpose: apenhetsloven@ayvens.com