Tax calculator
If you use a company car owned or leased by your employer, the benefit is normally considered salary income and you have to pay tax on the benefit.
The benefit subject to withholding tax related to private use of company car is calculated at:
- 30 percent of the car's list price as new up to NOK 362,300, and 20 percent of any excess list price.
The rates for the benefit subject to withholding tax apply accordingly when assessed as a taxable benefit.
In cases of a company car scheme for part of the income year, the benefit taxation will be proportional to the number of whole and commenced months during which the car was available.
The basis for the calculation above is normally 100 percent of the car’s list price as new, with some exceptions.
Exceptions | The calculation is based on: | |
If the car is older than 3 years as of 1 January of the income year | 75 percent of the car's list price as new | |
If you can document that car is used for work in excess of 40,000 km in the income year | 75 percent of the car's list price as new | |
In cases of combining a car that is over 3 years old as at 1 January of the income year and use of the car for work in excess of 40,000 km in the income year | 56.25 percent of the vehicle's list price as new |