
Public Sector

We will help you to go further.

At your service!

Our expertise

We have a thorough understanding of your sector. Gained through years of experience, providing solutions and services to local authorities, healthcare providers, universities and charities, across Europe.

Your partner

Ayvens is fully aware of the specific issues of public organisations. And we’ll always find the best solution for your organisation, always considering:

Let us be your partner in keeping you mobile.

Need a vehicle now?

Explore Ayvens Flex

Having trouble managing your own fleet?

Discover our Management Services

Need vehicles but don't want to worry about your fleet?

Read more about the benefits of leasing

Need help configuring commercial vehicles?

Discover the Vantage by Ayvens solution

Your choice

Our vehicles

You can choose from a wide range of vehicles. From cars for transporting patients or children to support vehicles for street cleaning and maintaining green spaces. We also have electric vehicles to help make the planet greener!

Our services

Let us help you. From advising you which fleet-funding products are the right ones for you. To making the day-to-day running of your fleet easier. We also offer short-term rentals, for those immediate needs. Or tailor-made long term contracts. To keep you, your employees and customers on the move. Now and in the future.

Electric vehicles

Celebrating the top women in EV

As part of International Women’s Day celebrations we are proud to announce that the organisers of T…
March 10 - 1 min to read

ALD Automotive I LeasePlan unveils new global mobility brand in Denmark

Today ALD Automotive | LeasePlan Danmark unveils Ayvens, the new global mobility brand born from th…
March 03 - 3 min to read

Za oknem mróz? Zadbajmy o akumulatory w spalinowych autach

W tym roku zima dała o sobie znać niezwykle późno, ale postanowiła postraszyć kierowców kilku, gdzi…
March 03 - 1 min to read

Top EVs expected in 2025

Experience the electric revolution with the expected top 10 most anticipated electric vehicles set …
March 01 - 3 min to read
Commercial vehicles

DfT confirms support for electric van fleets

The Department for Transport has extended grants for new electric vehicles while cutting “red tape”…
February 26 - 3 min to read
Fleet management

How can EV salary sacrifice benefit your organisation?

Phil Jones, specialist consultant at Ayvens UK, looks ahead at changes to salary sacrifice schemes,…
February 19 - 4 min to read

Vehicle Excise Duty Changes 2025

The Government are making significant changes to vehicle tax. We’ve outlined the major changes to h…
February 11 - 3 min to read