Carro na estrada no meio do campo

Car insurance

Accidents or breakdowns happen.

What shouldn't happen is, when they do occur, for you to have any unpleasant surprises with the insurance. Find out the periods of grace, limits or risks not covered which suddenly become unexpected costs. What do you expect from car insurance? Cheaper car insurance? Comprehensive car insurance?

Don't worry! Find out about all the covers you can get:

  1. Civil liability

    Protection so as to ensure that, in the event of an accident, you will be able to cover your expenses deriving from any material and physical damages caused to third parties, for the maximum amount allowed by law, of 50.000 €.

  2. Own damage

    Better known as comprehensive insurance despite the usual exclusions, it is complete protection which includes: shock, collision and overturning; fire, lightning or explosion; theft or robbery; isolated glass breakage; extraordinary risks such as landslides, landslips, natural phenomena, tunnel subsidence, fall of aircraft, fall of roofing tiles; and social and political risks such as strikes, uprisings, riots, acts of terrorism or vandalism.

  3. Personal accident insurance for occupants

    Various insured sum options, in cases of death or permanent disability, treatment expenses, funeral expenses and hospitalisation.

  4. Financial Guarantee

    Protection in the event of total write-off of car if Ayvens has the ownership.

    Find out more about Financial Guarantee.

  5. Reconditioning Insurance

    Protection intended to protect you from any unexpected costs upon contract termination if there is any damage to the vehicle.

    Find out more about Reconditioning Insurance.

  6. Total Guarantee and Premium Total Guarantee

    Protection in the event of careless use by the driver which may only be taken out if Ayvens has ownership of the car. Access to replacement vehicle under Total Guarantee if Ayvens owns the car and the Total Guarantee cover has been taken out.

    Find out more about Total Guarantee and Premium Total Guarantee.

  7. Road assistance

    Road Assistance available 24 hours a day from kilometre zero in the event of a breakdown, incident, theft, lack of fuel, lost keys or battery failure.

  8. Replacement vehicle

    Replacement car in the event of an incident, repairs, breakdowns, services, theft or robbery.

  9. Baggage insurance

    This guarantees the protection of your baggage in the event of theft or robbery.

  10. Legal protection

    Legal support available in cases deriving from accidents.

Feel totally secure.

Ayvens covers are broader than the majority of car insurance policies on the market. Find out the differences:


  • Isolated glass breakage cover (IGB) without any insured sum limit
  • No deductible in the event of theft or robbery and isolated glass breakage
  • Natural phenomena and acts of vandalism included in basic own damage cover
  • All the occupants are covered, including the driver
  • Replacement vehicle owing to an incident may be unlimited (covering the entire immobilisation period) and without any annual limit, provided that the repair is carried out on the LP Collision Network
  • Replacement vehicle without any monetary or time deductible (in days) 
  • Total Guarantee and replacement vehicle owing to Total Guarantee   
  • No policy issuance costs and green cards and without any penalty for monthly instalments
  • Extras do not suffer any devaluation and they are topped up whenever an incident occurs

Usual market offer

  • This cover usually has a limit of 750€ or 1000€
  • A deductible is usually applied in IGB which may vary between €25 and €50
  • These are an upgrade to basic Own Damage cover                                          
  • Driver protection is provided in an additional cover
  •                                                                                                                                  By definition, the replacement vehicle has annual limits                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
  • A grace period is usually applied                                                                                            
  • Total Guarantee and replacement vehicle owing to Total Guarantee not available
  • Costs passed on to the policy holder in the receipt Increased premium for monthly payments
  • It is usual to charge an additional premium to top up the sums insured in the event of an incident

You can consult the General Insurance Terms that Ayvens provides through its Insurer Ayvens Insurance:

The policyholder has the right to request information on the specific amount of remuneration that their insurance distributor receives for providing the distribution service, under Article 37(1)(d) of the legal framework for insurance and reinsurance distribution (RJDSR), approved by Law no. 7/2019, of January 16.

The insurance contract is signed with LeasePlan Insurance, whose registered office is situated at Bloco C, Central Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority under no. 222,618. The insurance contracts are brokered by Fleet Cover – Sociedade de Mediação de Seguros, Lda., whose registered office is situated at Quinta da Fonte, Ed.Q43-Fernão Magalhães - Rua da Fonte de Caspolima, 8, 2770-190 Paço de Arcos, registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority under no. 407187719.

What should I do if I need to activate insurance?

How is the deductible calculated? The deductible is a percentage of the sum insured.How does protection work for an act of vandalism or natural phenomena? When an incident is reported due to an act of vandalism or natural phenomenon, the process is treated in the same way as an [incident](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/accident-management/) involving shock, collision or overturning. Usually the procedure is started, the [loss adjustment](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/accident-management/) is booked and the repair order given. If the third party liable for the damage to the car is not identified, the customer shall be regarded as the liable party.What should I do in case of theft? 1. In cases of theft, the authorities must be informed and the report must be obtained, which must always accompany the Mutual Statement of Automobile Accident; 2. Contact the Ayvens Driver Support Line on 800 20 42 98 (cost-free call) in Portugal, or +351 214 40 09 10 (national fixed-line network cost call) abroad, for [road assistance](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/road-assistance/) and [replacement vehicle](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/replacement-car/), if hired; 3. Mandatory filling in of the Mutual Statement of Automobile Accident and sending by e-mail to; 4. Send the original to the following address: Ayvens Portugal Lagoas Park, Edifício 6, 2740-244 Porto Salvo.What should I do if there is isolated glass breakage? 1. Always fill in the Mutual Statement of Automobile Accident; 2. Contact the Ayvens Driver support Line on 800 20 42 98 (cost-free call); 3. Hand in the Mutual Statement of Automobile Accident at the [workshop](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/workshops/) where the repair has been booked. What should I do in case of an accident? 1. Always fill in the Friendly Declaration of Car Accident; 2. In the event of immobilisation, contact the Ayvens Driver Support Line on 800 20 42 98 (cost-free call) in Portugal, or +351 214 40 09 10 (national fixed-line network cost call) abroad, for [road assistance](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/road-assistance/) and [replacement vehicle](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/replacement-car/), if contracted; 3. Send the statement to the e-mail; 4. Send the original to the following address: Ayvens Portugal Lagoas Park, Edifício 6, 2740-244 Porto Salvo.What should I do in case of breakdown? If the car is immobilised or if a fault warning light is activated and the car's instruction manual advises immobilisation; Contact the Ayvens Driver Support Line on 800 20 42 98 (cost-free call) in Portugal, or +351 214 40 09 10 (national fixed-line network cost call) abroad, for [road assistance](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/road-assistance/) and [replacement vehicle](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/replacement-car/), if hired.What should I do if I need a repair? 1. Make the appointment by contacting Ayvens through 800 20 42 98 (cost-free call). If the driver is out of the country, contact Ayvens through +351 211 446 88 94 (national fixed-line network cost call) to request information about the most indicated partner for the necessary intervention; 2. Contact Ayvens to supply the [replacement car](targetSelf:/en-pt/leasing-with-us/services/replacement-car/), if contracted; 3. Go to the workshop.

Want to know more? We're here to help!

Call 800 20 42 98 in Portugal (cost-free call) or +351 214 40 09 10 from abroad (call to the national fixed network)

Available 24/7 for any emergency.

Contact us

Our team of experts are available to help if you have any questions.