Uncomplicated maintenance!
Maintenance is essential to ensure the smooth operation of the car and the safety of the driver and passengers. Find out about the different types of car maintenance and help to keep your car up and running.

Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance means scheduled maintenance which follows the service plan indicated by the car manufacturer, in other words, by the brand.
The preventive maintenance interventions, or car services, are intended to ensure that the car is in good working order and to avoid breakdowns. They must be carried out in accordance with the maintenance plan of the car manufacturer and the respective procedures to check the condition of various components, namely: engine components, braking, clutch, gearbox, suspension or air-conditioning.
The car needs to be subject to interventions throughout its working life and with this in mind, the manufacturer determines a time period (or kilometrage) during which said intervention can occur.
This service plan is basically in place to:
- Safeguard against any mechanical problems and mitigate the need for corrective maintenance
In other words, the need for repairs deriving from breakdowns or wear and tear of the car.
- Ensure the safety and lengthen the working life of the components
Verifying whether all the parts are in good working order.
- Maintaining car performance so it does not gradually deteriorate
It is recommended to carry out all the services in accordance with the manufacturer’s plan.

Corrective maintenance
Corrective maintenance means any unforeseen services deriving from breakdowns or wear and tear in the car.
These occur when a component has a fault and needs to be replaced and there is no given or recommended timeframe for its replacement. Generally speaking, it is carried out in cases of extreme need when a part has a defect or wear and tear which was not foreseen, mainly owing to a lack of scheduled/preventive maintenance.
It is maintenance which is necessary and mandatory, though it may not be the most advantageous in terms of working life, costs and safety. They are regularly more serious problems which require immediate repair, usually involving higher costs deriving from an immediate, urgent need of replacement.
It is vital to carry out preventive maintenance scheduled by the manufacturer so as not to run the risk of, when the car enters the workshop, there being a need for replacement of more components than those indicated in the intervention at issue.
Don't worry! Ayvens operational leasing includes all preventive and corrective maintenance.
Predictive maintenance
We can also talk about the concept of predictive maintenance. This is similar to preventive maintenance, as they are both intended to anticipate any possible issues with the car. Preventive car maintenance is carried out regularly, whilst predictive maintenance is carried out in line with the condition of the equipment and the signs they may be showing, regardless of the manufacturer’s recommended service plan.
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