Pneu na neve


Keep your car up and running!

Keeping your tyres in good condition is vital for the smooth running of the car and for the safety of the driver and the passengers. For optimum performance, check your tyre pressure every two months. And to look after your tyres better, you need to know them.

And to do this, it’s important to know how to read the size and label of your car’s tyres:

Como ler as medidas do pneu

How do you read tyre sizes?

Size 205/45R17 88V (example)

205 – Width (tyre width in mm) 45 – Aspect Ratio (tyre height pertains to 45% of the width) R – Symbol for radial tyre 17 – Diameter of the rim in inches 88 – Load index V – Speed rating

Leitura etiqueta pneus

How do you read the tyre’s label?

Energy Efficiency: The rolling resistance influences fuel consumption. The lower the rolling resistance, the lower the fuel consumption and the more reduced the carbon emissions are. The energy efficiency difference between class A and G tyres may be as much as 7.5% for a light passenger vehicle consuming an average of 0.65l every 100km.

Adhesion on wet surface: Braking response is a vital element for the performance of your tyres on wet surfaces and it is essential for your safety. The difference in braking distance between Class A and Class G tyres may be as much as 30%.

External noise: external noise levels are measured in Decibels (dB) and compared with the new external noise levels for European tyres. Note: external noise is related with the internal noise of the vehicle.

Find out the different tyre service levels at Ayvens:

Flat tyres

Repairing flat tyres is always included as long as the Ayvens agreement has or has had, tyres contracted.

Unlimited Tyres

Replaced whenever necessary. Alignments and balancing during replacements, every 20.000 km or once a year.

Limited tyres

This contract level includes replacement, alignments and balancing of wheels in line with the number of tyres contracted.

No tyres contracted

Does not include alignments, balancing, flat tyre or valve repairs, except in mechanical interventions in which steering alignment proves necessary.

Energy efficiency of tyres

The partner brands with whom Ayvens works follow EU guidelines on energy efficiency.

Besides rolling resistance, braking capacity on wet surfaces and rolling noise, specialists also regard driving on dry surfaces and wet surfaces as important, as well as braking capacity on dry surfaces. In addition to the economy and safety parameters, they take into account durability, driving comfort, internal noise, aquaplaning, performance on bends and others which have a major impact on the user experience.

Besides its concern for environmental and economic aspects, Ayvens actively seeks to ensure that the tyres used are the most appropriate for the car in question, respecting the standards laid down by the car manufacturing brands and only working with premium brands so as to seek its customers’ satisfaction and safety.


Look after your tyres!

Tyre management is associated with maintenance and it ensures that car tyres are replaced in a rational and economical manner. All tyre-related interventions should be carried out at certified workshops.

You don’t need to look for new or used tyres online. Look after your car’s tyres whenever you need to and without any worries on our preferential network of certified partners. This type of intervention is usually carried out in order of arrival at the workshop.

What should I do if I need to replace tyres?

What should I do if I need to change my tyres, align steering or balance the wheels? If this is contracted you should: 1. Book an appointment directly at one of the workshops approved by Ayvens for this purpose. List of approved workshops available by ringing 800 20 42 98 (cost-free call) or at the [Oficina Fácil](targetBlank: platform; 2. Go to the workshop.Can I choose the tyre brand for my car? The contract stipulates that it is Ayvens who defines the brand of tyres to be used on the cars, actively seeking to ensure that the tyres used best suit the car in question, respecting the guidelines laid down by car manufacturing brands and only working with premium brands in order to seek the satisfaction and safety of its customers. How often can I change my car’s tyres? Whenever this is justified owing to damage or tread depth.

Want to know more? We're here to help!

Call 800 20 42 98 in Portugal (cost-free call) or +351 214 40 09 10 from abroad (call to the national fixed network)

Available 24/7 for any emergency.

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