How can we help you?
Fuel card
As soon as we know your new car's registration plate, we will order your fuel card, which will be automatically sent to you. Your PIN will be sent in a seperate letter for security reasons.
Where you can refuel depends on the type of fuel card you have and the agreement made with LeasePlan. If you're not sure you can check with your fleet manager or in your contract.
Your fuel card is linked to your car and can't be used for other cars. You can pay at the petrol station with your fuel card, using your 4 digit pin.
In case you forget your pin code request a new one by calling our Support Line 800 20 42 98 in Portugal (cost-free call) or +351 214 40 09 10 abroad (national fixed-line network cost call). Or simply send an e-mail to
You can request a new fuel card by calling our Support Line 800 20 42 98 in Portugal (cost-free call) or +351 214 40 09 10 abroad (national fixed-line network cost call). Or simply send an e-mail to Your current card is automatically blocked when you request a new one.
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