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Leasing contract
As a rule, the Ayvens offers do not require any down payment.
There are many advantages of the operational leasing when compared with buying a new car. Find out the differences between operational leasing and buying and do the maths yourself!
You will need to pay the monthly fee and strive for the appropriate use and maintenance of the car. Besides that, you should also:
– Check the pressure and general condition of the tyres; – Check the oil and water levels – Take the car to any preventive maintenance (in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions) or corrective maintenance that the car requires; – Notify Ayvens about any incident that affects the proper upkeep of the car; – If the time-frame so justifies, take the car for a MOT inspection.
Although it is the customer who chooses the car that wishes to drive, it is Ayvens which owns it and, by a payment of a monthly fee, makes it available for use.
To drive the car, you must hold a current driving licence and you must look after the car throughout the contract period and follow the rules of the highway code.
Your company's car policy determines who can drive your operational renting car. Ayvens requires that any driver must have a valid driving license.
Before you take your lease vehicle abroad, make sure you have the green card and plate certificate (DUA).
You may need a written authorisation from your employer, depending on the company’s internal policies.
The cost of your operational renting is determined by the services included. Please check your agreement for specific details.
The minimum term of an operational leasing contract is 12 months and there is no maximum limit. Generally speaking, contracts last for 48 months. However, the time-frames are flexible and may be adjusted to each person's needs. If you need more flexible or short-term rental, you have the Ayvens Flex available with a duration from 1 month up to a maximum of 12 months, with unlimited mileage and which you may rescind whenever you want without any cost.
At the end of the contract you have the following options: – Start a new operational leasing contract, returning the car to Ayvens at the end of the contract; – Extend the duration of your contract; – Purchase the car from Ayvens. Three months before the end of the contract, Ayvens shall inform you of the amount for which you may acquire the car that you have driven.
Yes, there is always the option of cancelling the Ayvens operational leasing contract before contracts ends. This option will involve an extra cost regulated in the contract whereby Ayvens shall apply a 40% penalty to the value of the remaining rents, applied after 12 months of the contract. In other words, the first 12 months must always be paid in full.
For example, you have contracted the operational leasing of a new car with a duration of 30 months, 25.000 kilometers and a rent of €200 per month. If you wish to end and cancel your contract:
8 months before contract termination, a 40% penalty is applied to the value of the rents yet to fall due. So the calculation would be: € 200 (monthly rent inc. VAT) x 8 months = 1.600 x 0.4 (40% penalty) = € 640. In this case, the penalty for early rescission would be € 640;
Once only 10 months have elapsed since the start of the contract, you must assume payment of the two monthly missing to make up the initial 12 months: € 200 (monthly rent inc. VAT) x 2 months = € 400. The 40% penalty calculation is then applied to the missing rents, in this case to the value of the rents pertaining to the remaining 18 months (30 months contracted – 12 initial months = 18 months). And it is applied in the following manner: € 200 (monthly rent inc. VAT) x 18 months (missing) = 3,600 x 0.4 (40% penalty) = € 1.440. Hence, the penalty for cancelling the contract 10 months after its start would be a total of € 400 + € 1,440 = € 1.840.
In the case of an operational leasing contract for used cars, it is necessary to pay the initial 6 months in full (instead of 12 months in the case of a new car) and a 20% penalty (instead of 40% in the case of a new car) on the value of the rents to fall due.
In addition to the penalty for early termination, you must also consider any reconditioning costs calculated if the car has suffered any damage, as well as the adjustment to the kilometers to which, in this case, there shall be an adjustment, solely including those kilometers billed and not those initially contracted.
The operational leasing contract specifies a price per kilometer. The kilometer adjustment is always made when a contract ends. The adjustment value is calculated by making a comparison between the kilometers contracted upon contract termination and those traveled on said date. So, the surcharge amount (amount payable per extra km traveled) or deduction (amount receivable per km not traveled) is multiplied by the difference between the kilometers contracted and traveled.
For example, your contract includes 25.000 kilometers with a duration of 30 months:
If, as at the contract termination date, in other words, after 30 months, it is observed that you have traveled a total of 30.000 km, it means 5.000 km more (+20%) than those initially contracted, if the price per extra kilometre is, for example, € 0.05, when multiplying by the difference in kilometers, it would have a cost of € 250 (5.000 km x € 0.05). If the extra kilometers traveled exceeds 25% over and above those initially stipulated, the surcharge cost per extra km increases by 50%.
if you travel less kilometers than those initially contracted, you will receive the deduction amount per km not traveled multiplied by the difference in kilometers, up to a maximum of 25% of the kilometers billed. If upon the contract termination date, it is observed that you have traveled a total of 20.000 km, 5.000 km less (-20%) than those initially contracted, if the price per kilometer deducted is, for example, € 0.02, when multiplying by the difference in kilometers, you would receive € 100 (5.000 km x € 0.02).
These values are provided by way of example, you must always confirm the surcharge and deduction amounts under your contractual conditions.
However, at any time of the contract, you may request an update of the terms of your contract by way of a recalculation, and adjust the number of kilometers owed to a significant deviation in them, with the respective rectification of the monthly fee amount. As from a deviation of 15% you are recommended to do so as in this way you will avoid any unexpected costs at the end of the contract.
You can find out the general terms and conditions of your car arrangement from your employer or in the agreement you received from us.
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