Applications for Ayvens Suppliers
Ayvens gives all its suppliers access to online applications that make day-to-day management easier.
Find out how to arrange maintenance services or vehicle assistance and deal with electronic invoices, among other things.
Order management system
With this platform, it is simpler to monitor your interactions with Ayvens step by step. From ordering to delivering the vehicle, the SGE follows the whole process simply and efficiently.
To get access to the platform or clear up any queries, send us an email.
- Access the Order Management System
Service arrangement diary
Use the diary to show your availability and check appointments for services and vehicle assistance of Ayvens Drivers.
To get access to the platform or clear up any queries, call 214 468 846.
- Access the Diary
Automatic transactions, carrying out and invoicing services
The SIM and Invoice Ready platforms help you to carry out and invoice services. They make it simpler to make requests for authorisation to carry out services. And they make invoice requests easier and quicker.
To get access to the platforms or to clear up any queries, call 214 468 846.
- Access the SIM
- Support for Suppliers
For more information, contact us on the Support Line for Suppliers 214 468 846 or via email.
All the commitments made by LeasePlan Portugal and its expectations of its suppliers with regard to compliance with these rules on human rights, working conditions, the environment and the fight against corruption are detailed in the sustainable procurement charter available at https://www.societegenerale.com.