Door to door
A dedicated person because we know how valuable time is for you
We know that time is a valuable resource for you and that is why we offer you the Door to door service. You have a dedicated person to manage the various vehicle-related operations. You only have to contact the dedicated representative with 24 hours in advance
What does this service include?
The Door-to-door representative transports the vehicle and manages the following situations
- Appointment and transport to the repair shop for the maintenance operations, the periodic technical check
- The normal and seasonal change of tyres
- Appointment and transport to the repair shop following an accident
- Returning the vehicle upon agreement termination

The service is available in Bucharest. If you want this service to be available in other localities, please contact your dedicated Key Account Manager for additional information.

Still have questions ?
Still have questions? Feel free to contact us for personalised assistance.
Still have questions? Feel free to contact us for personalised assistance.