New survey from LeasePlan: Company car drivers want to choose an electric car
Lack of charging stations and incentives from the government continue to slow down the transition.
More and more company car drivers want to choose an electric car. 31 percent state that they would choose an electric car if they were to change cars tomorrow and 65 percent state that they would choose a hybrid car. However, the lack of charging stations and incentives from the government are still factors that slow down the transition to an electric vehicles. This was the result from a survey from LeasePlan.
With the help of the research company Detector, LeasePlan has investigated the view on electric cars from the Swedish company car drivers' perspective. Among more than 4,000 respondents, close to a third, 31 percent, state that they would choose an electric car if they were to make their company car choice tomorrow. This is nine percentages more compared to when the same question was asked last year. Another 33 percent would choose diesel + electricity and 32 percent petrol + electricity.
- We already know that five percent of Swedish company car drivers drive electric cars today and it is gratifying that every third states that they will choose an electric car the next time they change cars. At the same time, our survey shows that the lack of charging stations and incentives to change from the government, make many hesitate, says Malin Malm Commercial Director at LeasePlan Sweden.
Among the drivers who state that they can not imagine choosing an electric car, the most common reasons are that the range is too short and that there are too few charging stations. As many as 76 percent of company car drivers state that they think there are too few charging stations in Sweden and only 12 percent state that they would feel comfortable making a longer European trip given the range and number of charging stations along the roads. Only 2 percent of company car drivers state that they think there are enough charging stations along the Swedish roads.
- The expansion of the number of charging stations has progressed in recent years when travelling in cities or along the main highways, it is usually easy to find a charging station. But in rural areas, not least in the northern parts of Sweden, it can be more difficult and as a company car driver, it is extremely important to be able to travel worry-free and unhindered throughout the country, says Malin Malm.
The company car drivers lack incentives from the government
The majority, 52 percent, of company car drivers believe that the government is not doing enough to promote the transition to electric cars. Only 12 percent think they do. Despite the new Bonus Malus rules introduced on 1 April 2021, which make it more advantageous to have an electric car, company car drivers believe that this is not enough. 54 percent think that the new rules are bad.
- The majority of company car drivers believe that the government is not doing enough to promote the transition to a fossil-free vehicle fleet and we at Leaseplan agree. The new benefit rules that came into force on the first of July will clearly have a negative impact on the transition to electric cars. We want the government to take a step back to ensure that the state incentives really work, says Malin Malm.
Questions in the survey:
What fuel would you choose if you were to make your company car choice tomorrow?
Diesel + el, 33%.
Petrol + el, 32%.
El, 31%.
Diesel, 19%.
Gasoline 3%.
Petrol + Vehicle gas 1%.
Petrol + Ethanol 0%.
Do not know, 5%.
Can you imagine choosing an electric car?
Yes, 67%
No, 22%.
Do not know, 11%.
If not, why not? (More options)
The range per charge is too short, 84%.
There are too few charging stations, 63%.
Because the battery loses performance in the cold, 43%.
It's too expensive, 29%.
Concerns about battery life, 25%.
Other. 20%.
Because the resale value is unclear, 13%.
The car models do not appeal to me in terms of design, 7%.
If you have, or would have, an electric car, would you feel comfortable making a longer car holiday in Europe given the range and number of charging stations along the roads in Europe?
Yes, 12%.
No, 68%.
No opinion / Do not know, 20%.
Do you think that there are enough charging stations for electric cars along the Swedish roads?
Yes, 2%.
No, 76%.
No opinion / Do not know, 22%.
Do you think the government is doing enough to promote the transition to electric cars?
Yes, 12%.
No, 52%.
Do not think they should promote the transition, 15%.
Do not know, 21%.
About the survey The survey was conducted by the market research company Detector on behalf of LeasePlan during April-May 2021. A total of 4,236 company car drivers in Sweden responded to the survey.
Important information:
This article was originally published on leaseplan.com website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service – if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.