Breaking the trend: Electric is the most popular fuel among company car drivers
41 percent would choose an electric car if they were to change cars tomorrow.
More and more company car drivers want to drive on electricity. 41 percent would choose an electric car if they were to change cars tomorrow, and electric thus ends up, for the first time, at the top of the fuel preferred by company car drivers, while diesel is falling sharply. This is shown by LeasePlan's annual company car barometer. However, range and lack of charging stations are slowing development.
LeasePlan annually surveys how Swedish company car drivers feel about electric cars. Among over 3,600 respondents, four out of ten (41%) state that they would choose an electric car if they were to make their company car choice tomorrow. This is ten percentage points more compared to when the same question was asked last year, and 19 percentage points more compared to two years ago. The increase is at the expense of diesel, which is falling sharply.
“It is very satisfying to see that the demand for EV is increasing so rapidly. Four out of ten would choose an EV next time they are to replace their old car. It is the first time in this survey’s history where we see EV in top of the driver’s wish list. At the same time the survey reveals that too few charging stations is still a challenge”, says Marcio Hociko, CEO of LeasePlan Sweden.
Among drivers who cannot imagine choosing an electric car, the most common reasons are that the range per charge is too short (81%), that there are too few charging stations (70%) – an increase of seven percentage points compared to last year.
Only 16 percent state that they would feel comfortable making a longer European trip on electricity given the range and the number of charging stations along the roads. Only 5 percent of company car drivers state that they think there are enough charging stations along the Swedish roads.
“The expansion of the number of charging stations has progressed in recent years, and for trips in cities or along the largest motorways and country roads, it is usually easy to charge. But in rural areas it is still more difficult and as a company car driver it is extremely important to be able to travel freely throughout the country”, says Marcio Hociko, CEO of LeasePlan Sweden.
The company car drivers lack incentives from the government The majority, 51 percent, of company car drivers believe that the government is not doing enough to promote the transition to electric cars. Only 13 percent believe it does.
Questions from the survey:
Which fuel would you choose if you were to make your company car choice tomorrow? (Compared to the 2021 survey). Electricity, 41% (31%).
Petrol + electricity, 35% (32%)
Diesel + electricity, 22% (33%)
Diesel, 10% (19%)
Petrol, 3% (3%)
Gasoline + Vehicle gas, 1% (1%)
Gasoline + Ethanol 0%. (0%)
Don't know, 5% (5%)
What determines your choice of fuel? (Compared to the 2021 survey).
Range, 50% (52%)
Finance, 49% (43%)
Company car policy, 36% (35%)
Carbon dioxide emissions and the environment, 33% (37%)
Fuel consumption, 25% (28%)
Easily accessible, 22% (23%)
Tax rules, 21% (25%)
Environmental car premiums, 14% (17%)
Other, 3% (3%)
Can you imagine choosing an electric car? (Compared to the 2021 survey). Yes, 66% (67%)
No, 24% (22%)
Don't know, 10% (11%)
If no, why not? (Multiple choice) (Compared to the 2021 examination).
The range per charge is too short, 81% (84%)
There are too few charging stations, 70% (63%)
Because the battery loses performance in the cold, 42% (43%)
It's too expensive, 20% (29%)
Concerns about battery life, 18% (25%)
Other, 15% (20%)
Because the resale value is unclear, 12% (13%)
The car models do not appeal to me in terms of design, 7% (7%)
Are you planning a driving holiday this summer?
Yes, 42%
No, 37%
Don't know, 21%
Where do you want to go?
Within the country, 54%
Within the Nordics, 17%
Within Europe, 28%
Don't know, 2%
If you have, or would have, an electric car, would you feel comfortable taking a longer driving holiday in Europe given the range and number of charging stations along the roads in Europe? (Compared to the 2021 survey).
Yes, 16% (12%).
No, 64% (68%).
No opinion / Don't know, 19% (20%)
Do you think there are enough charging stations for electric cars along the Swedish roads? (Compared to the 2021 survey).
Yes, 5% (2%).
No, 71% (76%).
No opinion / Don't know, 24% (22%)
Do you think the government is doing enough to promote the transition to electric cars? (Compared to the 2021 survey)
Yes, 13% (12%)
No, 51% (52%)
Do not think they should promote the transition, 14% (15%)
Don't know, 22% (21%)
**About the survey **
The survey was conducted by the market research company Detector on behalf of LeasePlan during 9-29 March 2022. A total of 3,627 company car drivers in Sweden responded to the survey.
Important information:
This article was originally published on leaseplan.com website. The views expressed may no longer be current and any reference to specific vehicles or products is for reference only. This information is not a personal recommendation for any particular vehicle, product or service – if you are unsure about the suitability of a product, you should consult with an expert.