Fuel Service
We keep you moving
Wherever you happen to be
As a partner to Slovenia's biggest oil companies (Petrol, MOL Gold, UTA), drivers with customers of Ayvens are presented with fuel cards. These cards can be used to buy fuel and other approved products from all partner service stations. Products and other services procured are invoiced at the end of each month. A detailed breakdown shows you where, when and how much has been consumed for each vehicle.
Specific advantages at a glance
- Administrative support
ALD Automotive performs all the formalities involved in ordering and exchanging fuel cards.
- Ease of handling
All refuelling transactions are recorded in a monthly invoice, independently of the suppliers.
- Flexibility
You determine the usage scope of your fuel cards, enabling you to pay for toll charges, purchases from petrol station shops, car washes and other services.
- Security
All cards have their own PIN code (or a standard company PIN code). Lost or stolen cards are immediately blocked, and new cards are issued.
- Monitoring
The collective monthly invoice enables you to keep track of all services efficiently, and to pinpoint any anomalies quickly. Overseeing the fuel consumption of every vehicle is simplicity itself.